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2013年在复旦大学获物理学博士学位。2013年至2015在北京应用物理与计算数学研究所进行博士后研究工作。2015年起在yl23455永利yl23455永利公司工作,副研究员,硕士研究生导师。近5年来主持国家自然科学基金1 项,河北省自然科学杰出青年基金 1 项,河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才基金 1 项,河北省自然科学青年基金 1 项,中国工程院北京应用物理与计算数学研究所横向基金1项。

在精密原子光谱和天体等离子体诊断应用研究领域发表 SCI 论文 60 余篇,其中 12篇论文以第一(通信)作者发表在了中科院JCR双 一区 TOP 期 刊(Physical Review Letter(IF: 8.351),Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.691), Astrophysical Journal(IF:5.580) )上。 在其他国际高水平期刊上, 如 Astronomy & Astrophysics、Physical Review A、Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer、Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables、Physics of Plasmas、Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics、Canadian Journal of Physics 等期刊发 表文章近50篇,且以第一(通讯)作者参与完成绝大多数工作。








国家自然科学青年基金, 2018-2020, 主持

2. Th 元素精密光谱和天体等离子体模拟与诊断理论研究,河北省自然科学杰出青年基金,2019-2022, 主持

3. M 壳层高离化态离子光 谱和辐射跃迁特性的高阶物理效应理论研究, 河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才基金, 2018-2020, 主持

4. 中高 Z 元素复杂离子精密光谱和等离子诊断应用的理论研究, 河北省自然科学青年基金,2016-2019, 主持

5. 精确原子光谱研究,北京应用物理与计算数学研究所横向基金,2015-2016, 主持


[1] K. Wang, T.Brage, C.Y.Chen, C. Froese Fischer, G.Gaigalas, P.Jönsson, J.Ekman, and M.Godefroid. Commenton Theoretical confirmation of the low experimental 3C/3D f-value ratio in Fe XVIII. Physical Review Letters (IF:8.315, JCR 双一区 Top), 119(18):189301, 2017.

[2]K.Wang, C.X.Song, P.Jönsson, G.DelZanna, S.Schiffmann, M.Godefroid, G.Gaigalas, X.H.Zhao, R.Si, C.Y. Chen, and J. Yan. Benchmarking atomic data from large-scale multiconfiguration Dirac–Hartree–Fock calculations for astrophysics: S-like Ions from Cr IX to Cu XIV. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 239(2):30, 2018.

[3] K. Wang, P. Jönsson, G. Gaigalas, L. Radžiūtė, P. Rynkun, G. Del Zanna, and C.Y. Chen. Energy levels, lifetimes and transition rates for P-like ions from Cr X to Zn XVI from large-scale relativistic multiconfiguration calculations. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 235(2):27, 2018.

[4]K.Wang, Z.B.Chen, C.Y.Zhang, R.Si, P.Jönsson, H.Hartman, M.F.Gu, C.Y.Chen, and J.Yan. Benchmarking Atomic Data for Astrophysics: Be-like Ions between B II and Ne VII. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 234(2):40, 2018.

[5] R. Si, C. Y. Zhang, Z. Y. Cheng, K. Wang(#通信作者) , P. Jönsson, K. Yao, M. F. Gu, and C. Y. Chen. Energy Levels, Transition Rates and Electron Impact Excitation Rates for the B-like Isoelectronic Sequence with Z = 24–30. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 239(1):3, 2018.

[6] K. Wang, P. Jönsson, J. Ekman, G. Gaigalas, M. R. Godefroid, R. Si, Z. B. Chen, S. Li, C. Y. Chen, and J. Yan. Extended Calculations of Spectroscopic Data: Energy Levels, Lifetimes, and Transition Rates for O-like Ions from Cr XVII to Zn XXIII. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 229(2):37, 2017.

[7] K. Wang, R. Si, W. Dang, P. Jönsson, X. L. Guo, S. Li, Z. B. Chen, H. Zhang, F. Y. Long, H. T. Liu, D. F. Li, R. Hutton, C. Y. Chen, and J. Yan. Calculations with spectroscopic accuracy: energies and transition rates in the nitrogen isoelectronic sequence from Ar XII to Zn XXIV. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 223(1):3, 2016.

[8]K.Wang, Z.B.Chen, R.Si, P.Jönsson, J.Ekman, X.L.Guo, S.Li, F.Y.Long, W.Dang, X.H.Zhao, R.Hutton, C.Y. Chen, J. Yan, and X. Yang. Extended relativistic configuration interaction and many-body perturbation calculations of spectroscopic data for the n ≤ 6 configurations in Ne-like ions between Cr XV and Kr XXVII. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 226(2):14, 2016.

[9] R. Si, S. Li, X. L. Guo, Z. B. Chen, T. Brage, P. Jönsson, K. Wang(#通信作者), J. Yan, C. Y. Chen, and Y. M. Zou. Extended calculations with spectroscopic accuracy: energy levels and transition properties for the fluorine-like isoelectronic sequence with Z=24-30. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 227(2):16, 2016.

[10]K.Wang, X.L.Guo, H.T.Liu, D.F.Li, F.Y.Long, X.Y.Han, B.Duan, J.G.Li, M.Huang, Y.S.Wang, R.Hutton, Y. M. Zou, J. L. Zeng, C. Y. Chen, and J. Yan. Systematic Calculations of Energy Levels and Transition Rates of Be-like Ions with Z=10-30 Using a Combined Configuration Interaction and Many-body Perturbation Theory Approach. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 218(2):16, 2015.

[11] K.Wang, D.F.Li, H.T.Liu, X.Y. Han, B.Duan, C.Y.Li, J.G.Li, X.L.Guo, C.Y.Chen, and J.Yan. Systematic calculations of energy Levels and transition Rates of C-like ions with Z = 13-36. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (IF:9.591, JCR 双一区 Top), 215(2):26, 2014.

[12] K. Wang, C.X. Song, P. Jönsson, J. Ekman, M. Godefroid, C.Y. Zhang, R. Si, X.H. Zhao, C.Y. Chen, and J. Yan. Large-scale multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock and relativistic configuration interaction calculations of transi- tion data for B-like S XII. The Astrophysical Journal (IF:5.664, JCR 双一区 Top), 864(2):127, 2018.


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