贺亚峰,男,78年6月生,副教授。从事复杂等离子体动力学与非线性科学的实验与理论研究。2008年yl23455永利yl23455永利公司博士毕业。2008年至2010年香港浸会大学非线性研究中心博士后。Physics Letters A和Physica A等期刊审稿人。
1)国家自然科学基金(11975089,11205044, 10947166)。
一种等离子体马达产生方法(ZL 201610295589.1), 一种干式颗粒粒度测量方法(ZL201410195041.0)等7项(第一发明人)。
1) Yafeng He, Baoquan Ai, and Fucheng Liu, Interaction of multiarmed spirals in bistable media. Phys. Rev. E, (2013) 87, 052913.
2) Yafeng He and Baoquan Ai, Enhancement of the longitudinal transport by a weakly transversal drive. Phys. Rev. E, (2010) 81, 021110.
3) Yafeng He, Baoquan Ai, and Bambi Hu, Pattern formation controlled by time-delayed feedback in bistable media. J. Chem. Phys., (2010) 133, 114507.
4) Yafeng He, Baoquan Ai, and Bambi Hu, Transformation between dense and sparse spirals in symmetrical bistable media. J. Chem. Phys., (2010) 132, 184516.
5) Baoquan Ai, Yafeng He, and Weirong Zhong,Chirality separation of mixed chiral microswimmers in a periodic channel. Soft Matter, (2015) 11, 3852.
6) Baoquan Ai, Yafeng He, and Weirong Zhong,Particle diode: Rectification of interacting Brownian ratchets. Phys. Rev. E, (2011) 83, 051106.
7) Baoquan Ai, Yafeng He, and Weirong Zhong,Entropic Ratchet transport of interacting active Brownian particles. J. Chem. Phys., (2014) 141, 194111.
8) Jia Yan, Fan Feng, Fucheng Liu, and Yafeng He*, Rotation of a single vortex in dusty plasma, Chin. Phys. B, 26,095202(2017)
9) Yongliang Zhang, Fan Feng, Fucheng Liu, Lifang Dong and Yafeng He*, Cycloid motions of grains in a dust plasma, Chin. Phys. B, (2016) 25( 2) ,025201.
10) Fan Feng, Yongliang Zhang, Jia Yan, Fucheng Liu, Lifang Dong and Yafeng He*, Cycloid Motions of Aggregates in a Dust Plasma, Plasma Science and Technology, ( 2016)18(1), 67.